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Lend a Hand


NABITA’S Three-Hour Mental Health Awareness and Intervention Training

The Lend a Hand program offers the opportunity for campus BITs, student affairs professionals, student conduct officers, faculty, residential life staff, and other members of the campus community to develop awareness and intervention skills in the areas of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While basic information about suicide will be reviewed, NABITA suggests a more intensive review of suicide prevention through its PASS (Prevent Another Student Suicide) training.


This program draws from research based approaches to identify and addressing mental health problems on campus. Lend a Hand focuses on the empowerment of individuals to better understand the nature of mental health crisis events and offer intervention and referrals in a caring and supportive manner.


Session 1 (90min):

  • General overview of mental health issues on campuses: discussion of depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, cutting behavior, thought disorders, dangerousness, demographics overview.

  • Helping people be safe: core concepts of helping for the lay person.

  • Basic helping skills: active listening, simple reflections, staying solution-focused, and psychological first aid.

  • Depression: what it is, case examples, and interventions; addressing stigma (talk about it) and safe places to have a discussion; referral to services; and resources.


 Session 2 (90min):

  • Anxiety: what it is, case examples, and interventions, including  stance, taking control, calming techniques, reduction, referral/medication, and treatability.

  • Autism spectrum disorder: what it is, case examples, and interventions, including redirecting; setting limits and boundaries, and remaining calm during a crisis/explosive tantrum.

  • Bi-polar disorder: what it is, case examples, and interventions, including calmness, personal protection and protective skills, manic behavior, centering and mindfulness, and referral/awareness of when you need help (police).

  • Suicide: review understanding how to identify suicidal thoughts and behavior and overcome any hesitancy to discuss these issues with students. NABITA provides extended training through its PASS (Prevent Another Student Suicide) program, which covers asking the question, conducting interventions, doing referrals, and managing suicidal behavior on campus.

  • Closing remarks & Q&A


Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Review the state of mental health on college campuses, with opportunities to discuss implications for awareness, education, programming, and intervention.

  • Discuss the common definitions of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder, and review ways to offer interventions to students in crisis.

  • Explore the common symptoms of suicidal students, review how to ask questions to help explore suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and discuss approaches to intervention and referral.

  • Have an opportunity to discuss and explore issues of mental health and suicide on campus with colleagues from other campuses.

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